In re: College Athlete NIL Litigation: Settlement Agreement Filed for Court Approval
Last week, the parties in three cases, House v. NCAA, Hubbard v. NCAA, and Carter v. NCAA, filed a 133-page settlement agreement...

House v. NCAA: Judge Denies Houston Christian University’s Request to Intervene
Judge Denies Houston Christian University's Request to Intervene in House v. NCAA Settlement.

Johnson v. NCAA: Third Circuit Concludes College Athletes are Not Precluded from Bringing FLSA Claims
Johnson v. NCAA: Third Circuit Concludes College Athletes are Not Precluded from Bringing FLSA Claims

Tennessee v. NCAA: NCAA Enjoined from Enforcing NIL Rules and Policies
On February 23, 2024, United States District Judge Clifton L. Corker granted an injunction prohibiting the NCAA from enforcing name,...

The NCAA Continues the Fight in Court in Antitrust Disputes – House v. NCAA and Fontenot v. NCAA
The NCAA is no stranger to antitrust litigation. For thirty years, the NCAA was wildly successful in protecting the amateur product from...
House v. NCAA: District Court Denies Motion to Dismiss
The NCAA, Pac-12 Conference, Big Ten Conference, Big 12 Conference, SEC, and ACC (collectively “Defendants”) moved to dismiss two related...
NCAA v. Alston: The U.S. Supreme Court Affirms the Decision of the District Court 9-0
On June 21, 2021, the United States Supreme Court (“Court”) issued its ruling in National Collegiate Athletic Association v. Alston....