In re: College Athlete NIL Litigation: Settlement Agreement Filed for Court Approval
Last week, the parties in three cases, House v. NCAA, Hubbard v. NCAA, and Carter v. NCAA, filed a 133-page settlement agreement...

Rashada v. Hathcock: Dispute over NIL Payments
College Athlete Files Suit Over Failure to Pay NIL Payments.

Tennessee v. NCAA: NCAA Enjoined from Enforcing NIL Rules and Policies
On February 23, 2024, United States District Judge Clifton L. Corker granted an injunction prohibiting the NCAA from enforcing name,...

NCAA Committee on Infractions Has Spoken: Florida State University
The NCAA Committee on Infractions (“Committee” or “COI” or “panel”) recently issued its findings and found that Florida State University...

The NCAA Continues the Fight in Court in Antitrust Disputes – House v. NCAA and Fontenot v. NCAA
The NCAA is no stranger to antitrust litigation. For thirty years, the NCAA was wildly successful in protecting the amateur product from...

Texas is in the Minority: Georgia Allows High School Athletes to Use NIL for Compensation
Three major state governing bodies--governing bodies in Georgia, Florida, and Texas--held out and did not allow high school athletes to...
Timing Requirements in NIL Agreements: Making Sure Athletes Have Time to Perform
Over the course of the last several years, being an “influencer” is the “in” thing to be. Influencers can make money hand over fist by...
Traps in NIL Agreements: Watch Out for Perpetual Licenses and Exclusivity
Many states, including Texas, have provisions in name, image, and likeness (“NIL”) statutes that prohibit NIL agreements for athletes...
House v. NCAA: District Court Denies Motion to Dismiss
The NCAA, Pac-12 Conference, Big Ten Conference, Big 12 Conference, SEC, and ACC (collectively “Defendants”) moved to dismiss two related...
Payment for NIL is Here to Stay: Educating Student-Athletes and Those Who Education Student-Athletes
Payment for NIL is Here to Stay: Things to Consider and Understand for Student-Athletes and those Educating Student-Athletes We are all a...